Nazarene Educators Worldwide: We Really Do Need Each Other
Our Executive Council is looking to build out our organization to form Resource Teams of Christian educators across all of our areas of representation. We need at least five willing people in each representation area to pray for and plan for support for educators in Christian Schools, Early Education, Homeschools, Higher Education, Public Schools and Global Schools. If you'd be willing to devote some time to help us further our mission of coming alongside of our Christian educators in meaningful ways, please contact us at MDominick4NEW@gmail.com
Thank you to all who attended our Collaborative Session
at General Assembly in Indianapolis!!!!
Here's an article by Dr. Mark Taylor, summarizing the reaction of our Nazarene Educators who visited with us at General Assembly:
We Never Knew That Nazarene Educators’ Worldwide Existed
Nazarene Educators’ Worldwide (NEW) was visible and active at General Assembly. We got going on
Friday with the opening of the exhibit area with NEW located in Exhibit Hall E.
The mission or purpose of NEW is to provide a network of fellowship and professional enrichment to
educators associated with the Church of the Nazarene globally. We welcome Nazarene educators from
Christian school, public school, home school, early childhood/preschool, college/university, college
students majoring in education, and retired educators.
We had a great time at the exhibit area for NEW. We connected with hundreds of Nazarene educators
including teachers, administrator, professors, and students from all over the world. We also were able to
visit with pastors, church members, and board members that have schools, or educators that would
benefit from involvement with NEW. And, we were able to provide some guidance and resources for
some that were interested in starting a Christian school. It should be noted that while we were able to
provide helpful information and signed up many to be a part of our mailing list, our chocolate candy
dish was extremely popular!
On Friday afternoon we hosted a workshop/gathering of any members of NEW, or anyone interested in
learning more about us. We had a great turnout. We had a presentation of the history and focus of
NEW. We were able to connect and get to know each other with a couple of fun icebreakers.
We then
had breakout groups of our various represented groups (i.e. public school, Christian school, etc.) led by
council members to discuss needs and share ideas. We wrapped up the fun, informative hour and a half
with a couple of door prizes and prayer.
A comment we heard numerous times was, “we never knew that Nazarene Educators’ Worldwide
existed”, even though we have been around since 1984. As a result of our representation at General
Assembly we hope that the statement, “we never knew that Nazarene Educators’ Worldwide existed”
will rarely be said.
If you are interested in learning more about NEW or getting involved with NEW please email our
president, Marilyn Dominick at MDominick4NEW@gmail.com
Devotional Applying Knowledge to Life’s “Classroom” “Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge” (Proverbs 23:12, NIV). As a teacher on the Navajo Reservation with students whose mother tongue was not English, I decided to pursue a master’s degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). I felt an advanced degree in this discipline was necessary for my job—a trainer of teachers in second language learning. To be effective in my assignment, an advanced degree was essential. I needed as much knowledge and training as possible I devoted several summers to achieve my goal at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. The mountain setting attracted me for its beauty, cool summers, and proximity to home. After taking several courses in English grammar and various phases of linguistics, I signed up for a methodology class. By this time, I had had several years of on-the-job experience, and this particular class helped me combine my experience with the other courses. The class sessions were useful; the professor, thorough; discussions, intriguing; assignments, valuable. At the end of the five-week session, the prof told us to bring a “blue book” to class for the final exam. Arriving in class, he gave us one question—yes, only one: “What are you going to do on Monday morning?” In other words, now that you have the knowledge acquired in this class, how will you apply this information in your classroom. A surprise exam? Definitely. A fair test? Absolutely! I wrote and wrote and wrote. My fingers became numb. Filling every page of that blue book, I turned it in to the prof at the last minute. Later, when the professor returned the blue book to me, he had written A+ on the first page with a generous comment about my responses. (Please forgive the boasting.) While shocked at the grade—the first ever A+ for an essay exam in all my education—I felt gratified at being able to demonstrate—well, at least to that prof—that I could apply knowledge to a classroom setting. In our journeys with the Lord, He is watching to see if we can apply what He is teaching us to our daily walk—in the “classroom” of life. If we are serious about our relationship with God, we know we must grow—growth that comes through disciplined study of His Word and internalizing it. And I believe our loving Father is eager to stamp A+ on our hearts, giving His generous affirmation of our purposed intent to be His disciple. Father, forgive me for the times I so carelessly treated Your Holy Word. Help me to study it daily and apply this knowledge—Your truth, Your teachings—to my heart and life. Wes Eby
Interested in starting a Christian School and/or Preschool??? Here are two excellent resources to guide you through this process!Starting a Christian School Ministry
Starting a Preschool or Child Care Ministry
Don't forget to pray for each other! Remember, we have a great mission field in which to disciple our students, their families, and our colleagues and to model the example of Christ - likeness to those we influence. Second to parenting, educating is the most important career in the world! ______________________________________ TREVECCA ANNOUNCESNEW DEAN OF ONLINE…______________________________________________________ NNU ANNOUNCES NEW UNIVERSITY CHAPLAIN16 Jul 2021 ___________________________________________ Click on our Resource Tab to view our Professional Lending Library List. |