Brand New Resources from The Foundry Church of the Nazarene's Excellent Publishing House! Children’s Resources for Homeschoolers and Christian Schools *Unless otherwise noted, you can purchase any of these materials through (formerly known as the Nazarene Publishing House). Devotions/Spiritual Development
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Parent Resources
Kimberly Crenshaw, an editor at The Foundry Publishing Company, compiled these resources. You may contact Kimberly at KCrenshaw@The Foundry Auburn Church of the Nazarene, Auburn, NY - Our homeschool co - op recently presented a dramatic production of Queen Esther!
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We have had 2 wonderful Zoom Discussions with our Home School Educators! We have had the huge honor to hold two Home School Curricula Collaboration Discussions with some very experienced Home School Educators. Thank you to all who attended! Thank you, Jan Wilton, our NEW Council member who represents homeschoolers. To all of you - your insight, experience and recommendations will provide strong footing for those who are just starting out, just need some support, or are considering whether or not to Home School. In the very near future, we will be publishing a list of curriculum that has been recommended and we are also working on a booklet to help those planning to homeschool. Be watching for those! There has never been a stronger interest in educating at home and NEW stands ready to support homeschoolers with guidance and resources. Please send questions or input to: Jan Wilton - Beula Postlewait - Marilyn J. Dominick - ____________________________________________Resources for Home Schoolers! Freebies! Professional Development! Home School with Success - Click Here Curriculum & Content Miniature Masterminds - Click Here Faith Based Home School Curricula - Click Here Classical Conversations - Click Here JAN WILTON - HOMESCHOOL REP - Email her at
To read more about Jan's story, click HERE Suggestions from Experienced Home School Educator & Former NEW Council MemberJanine Wilkins Bible Nazarene Bible Quizzing is the BEST bible curriculum that there is for Nazarene kids!!!! kids Apologetics Curriculum and Online Class Frank Turek online class Fearless Apologetics We studied apologetics and competed at tournaments through Stoa and NCFCA Model how YOU study the Bible and grow and teach them to do the same IN CONTEXT. Show them more than you "make them do Bible". Worship with them rather than teach them about worship. Serve at church and show them how. Weaver Curriculum Unit Studies for the whole family at one time including Bible: Reading Teaching Reading at Home based on The Writing Road to Reading Comprehension Drills Science Answers in Genesis Science Considering God's Creation- hands on kinetic science grade k-7 Apologia all grades Critical thinking and communication: Speech and Debate Two Christian Homeschool Leagues: Stoa: NCFCA: Look for a club nearby Easiest and most comprehensive Curriculum for Speech and Debate: (works with both leagues) Competition fuels excellence---speech and debate brings all subject areas together. English Format Writing-No frills writing for almost all ages--best SAT/ACT Prep too-- Easy Grammar Plus and Daily Grams for parents who HATE grammar themselves. this one is idiot proof, quick, and easy to use. The way my kids became excellent writers is by writing every day. Set the timer and make them write. They also wrote debate cases and speeches. Competition makes them want to excel in writing! When I had the baby, my older girls did Bob Jones online. We all hated the busy work, but it was very complete. History Streams of Civilization America's Providential History The Story of the World All the volumes and materials for all ages: We used Abeka too. Math We used Horizons or Abeka for first and second grade. Then we used Saxon through High School. They all did the stand alone Geometry: the girls with Bob Jones and my son with Teaching Textbooks: Later High School Modern States "First Year of College for Free" Classes to prepare for CLEPS with Vouchers to take the CLEP tests for free. Dual Enroll in community college if student is advanced. If not, use modern states, and practice CLEPS with Instacert Extras To learn the roots of words: I used every singing curriculum I could find: for example Lyrical Life Science Geography Songs: My 4 year olds could sing every country on the planet. It was so impressive, even if their pronunciation and comprehension was off--twin 3 yr olds reciting all the countries of the former USSR shut the mouths of all my family who thought "homeschooling was insane". (in 1995 in NYC) Nowadays, if you have to teach a concept, you can google youtube multipication tables and find a million choices. We love for math and now every subject for free, can't beat it. Quizlet is a necessity in our house for all kinds of practice in everything!! Even through grad school: