Thanks to all who attended our recent Prayer Zoom!
Here is the document that was created that night. We hope to do our prayer Zooms quarterly, so stay tuned for more!
Nazarene Educators Worldwide Zoom Prayer Event -
March 30, 2021 8 p.m. EST
For educators, the school year is long — and the days feel longer. Most educators have a heart to serve their students, and it can be hard to say no to extra opportunities when they see so many needs (even when their time and energy is depleted). As a result, educators’ emotional and spiritual health suffer. Let’s pray that educators would find a healthy balance in their lives.
This job is exhausting emotionally, spiritually and physically. We often times struggle with healthy boundaries and self-care. Ask the Father to teach us how to have Sabbath rest and healthy boundaries.
Navigating workplace friction can be difficult. Today, let’s pray that educators would have healthy relationships with each other.
Pray for the relationships within the faculty. All educators vent to each other. I often complain about students or specific situations without pausing to ask how another teacher’s day was. Pray that I will have an open ear.
3. Pray for educators’ identity.
We are all tempted to make our jobs idols, and we seek to find our identity in them. educators are no different. Pray, then, that Christian educators would find their identity in Christ. Our lives will shine as a witness to the power and redemption found only in our Lord Jesus Christ. Only then can we impact our students, their families and our colleagues with the saving grace and wonderful love of God.
Pray for us to be deeply rooted in our identity in Christ. The public school system wants us to be a myriad of things, and it is hard to remember who we are and what our larger purpose is as believers.
Educators find it easy to lose their sense of joy, particularly at the end of a long school year. Today, pray that they would find joy in the midst of their work.
This job is incredibly stressful and taxing. Pray that the Lord would bless us with pockets of joy, laughter, friendships, and deep connection with others. — Jennifer H.
Teaching and impacting students is such a joy and a worthy profession. There is some discontentment in teaching over issues of pay, politics, curriculum. However, teachers are dedicated to giving the best education they possibly can to every student that they teach. The school year is long and tiring for both students and teachers alike, and we all covet your prayers. — Eddy W.
Too often we hear stories of school shootings or other forms of violence. Jasmine T. encourages us to pray that God would keep the administrators, teachers, staff members and students safe.
Pray for [God’s] protection over the school and every staff member and student.
Mark Taylor - praise for successful accreditation visit and renewal! Mrs. Taylor made lunch for the school staff, reconnected with a former college student who appreciated Mark as her professor.
Beula - family at church with 15 year old granddaughter - diagnosed with rare form of cancer, pray for the right doctor, the right care, for healing.
Yolanda’s family - husband and sister suffering from COVID 19
Council Member Becky Ramsey’s mother - her disease is progressing, pray for Becky as she cares for her mom.
Wes - Trevecca - praise - giving day goal was $250,000 but received 1.2 million dollars, with over 1,000 donors. Flooding in Nashville - impacted Dr. Homer Adams, former college president. Home was flooded, much of it is beyond repair, may not be able to live there again.
Daryll - Nazarene Theological College in South Africa - Curriculum needs to be revalidated, working to rewrite curriculum, and the one in Nairobi, Kenya, NTS. Rod and Sarah Reed’s daughter Hannah is ill. ANU is shutting down again due to COVID.
Janet Postlewait - in person resumes tomorrow.
Praise for new D. S. in Upstate NY - Dr. Olivia Metcalf